List of Tamil words in Alaskan Haida language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Alaskan Haida language
Dr. Varainkaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Haida language is spoken in Haida Gwaii Islands – Northern coast of Canada and Prince of Wales Islands -Alaska; Haida language is an endangered language.

clues to read Haida words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’.
Add vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’and letter ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively it has to be read only once.
Dictionary of Alaskan Haida - by Dr. Jordan Lachler- Sealaskaheritage Institute.
English - Haida - Tamil
*1. width - gaahli- akalam
2.for the wind to toss- xu kaata- kaatthu adikka / wind blowing; kaaththu- wind; note; tajaaw [ Haida] means wind.
*3. wave- luu- alai
*4. waves to break the shore- luuda – alai adiththida
*5. to wear pants- tatas – uduthu / wear
6. to wear on the upper body - chatas- soodu /saathu – wear
*7. wait- gid- kaaththidu;kaaththu kidakka
*8. wait- kwaay – kaakka
9. wall plank / board of the house- kad gatis – kudi kattai - kudi- house; kattai- wood.
10. to stumble- staskas- thadukka
11.tribe- guusd- kudi
12.trail- taay- adi thadam
13.tombstone- kaal- nadukal; kal- stone.
to be thick, densly numerous as berries- kuts galaa- koththu koththaa -kolai kolaiyaa - in bunches /clusters
*14. think- nangaaa- ennuka
*15. testicle- kaw- kaai
*16. to teach- skatada- kaththu thaa; kaththa kodu
*17. tea kettle- gan kudaa- kothi kinnam; kothikka- to boil; kinnam- cup.
*18. short stubby cute- kudala -kuttai yaana aal – short person; kuttai- short; aal- person; kattai yaana aal- kattai- stubby.
19.short stubby cute- kujuu- kochchu – short and cute
*20- spring water- xwaaduu- uooththu thanni- uooththu- spring; thanni- water.
*21. spear - kitaaw- kuththu
*22. harpoon- kituu- kuththu eetti
* poke- kid –khuththu
*24.24. slice – kitla- koththuthal
25. single- dliyaang – oththai aalaaka /thani alaaka; oththai- single; aal- person.
*26. to brew- kadaal – kaaichchuthal
*27. sickle- kan kitiituwaa- - koon koduvaa; koon- curved; koduva- sickle.
28.take a drink- xutla- kuditththal / drinking
29. boat- tluu- mathalai
30. to signal with hands- akaa yaada- kai aattu; kaai saadai kaattu; kai- hand; aattu- shake; saadai- signal; kaattu- show.
31.shirt- kakay- sokkai
*32. sew- tlii- thaeiththal
33.shake out- giida- kidu kidukka; kidu kidu nnu aada
34.crew-giitsaad- koottam
*35. see /visit- kintlaa- kaanuthal
*36. look at /see- king- kaanuka
* 37. search- diyang – thaedunkka – plural/ polite
38. find out- kinsta- kandu edu
* saved- kagan- kaaakkanum
40. say /tell- suuda- oaathu; seppidu.
*41. save- kidda- kaathththidu
42.edge- kun- mukanai
43.take rest- saana- saayanum
* take rest- saanjuuda -saainthidu; saanjidu
* 45. tell not to do something - sta gad- seithida koodathu- do not do.
46.tell not to do something- stida- seithidaathae; seithidu- do.
47.put on / necklace- tagi- aniththiduka; poaduka.
48. put- ised- idu
* do- isda- seithidu
50.take- isda- edu
51.give- isda- thaa
52. get- isda- adai put on/ pants - tahla- uduththuthal put on/ pants – tahla- anithal
*55. postpone- tlat – thalli idu
*56. punch- skuda- kuththu
57.stubborn- kiddga- kattu-k- adankka
*58. foundation post of a house- kuluu- nilai kaal
59. heap- kiijuwa- kuvi
60.unconscious- kutalaa- mayankuthal
*61. saw- whet owl- kagw- koogai / owl
62. noisy- jaadga- saththamaaka mis-speak- kils guda- - kilavi kuththam; kilavi- speech; kuththam- mistake; ka- va- va= ka.
64. mine- diinaa- ennuthu; letters are in reversed order. make a mistake- tlas guda- kuththamseithal; words are misplaced; kuththam- mistake; tlas = seithal; letters are in reversed order.
*66. memorial pole- kaal- kole / pole
* mention- suuda- suttu
68. measure/ count- kwiida- kanakkidu count on- kwaagad- kanakkidu
70. to make- tla gid- aakkidu-thal; words are mis placed.
* see- king- kaanuka
72. long- janda- neenda
*73. listen- hagw- kaekka
*74. listen – gdang-keetidunka
*75. not to listen- gyuutsiya- kaettidaathu; kaathu koduththidaathu; kavanikkathu.
* listen - gyuuwulang- kaelunkka lie down- tidda- paduththidu
78.lie down- tii- padu lie down – dlaaw- paduththal
80. legging- kihl gaa- kaal ankki – kaal- leg; anki- dress.
*81. lancet – kiituu- kaththi/ knife
82. jump – tasgad- thaandi kuthi
*83. jump- gadiyanng – kuthinkka – polite/plurai
84.knife for fish cutting- taa kadaaw- patta kaththi
85. weave- ta xau- neithiduka know- kiitas- kandidu
87. to slowly kick along- sda kiidaal- uthai koduththal /kick
*88. to kick at and miss -sadas guda – uthai kodu /to kick
*89. to kill- tiya- adu
* kill with a stick- kutahl- kattai yaal adiththu kathuthal / kolluthal; kattai- wood; adi- beat; kollu- kill; kaathuthal- killing.
91. to kill with stones; ka kutahl- kallaal adiththu kolluthal / kaathuthal; kaathuthal- killing; kal- stones; adi- beat.
92. to shoot- tsa- yeithidu; sudu; letters are in reversed order.
93. to put in jail- kittsad- kottadai/ jail
94. hump- kiijuu- koon
95.horn- kim- kompu
96.hit- kad- adikka; letters are in reversed order. hide- sgal- olikka; letters are in reversed order.
98.strike- kad- thakka- letters are in reversed order.
99. to heat over fire- skida- soodaakku; letters are jumbled.
100; grandmother- naanaa- annaiyinannai /mother of mother;naani; annai- mother.
*101. go to bed- tiiyaang- thoonkku /sleep
102. to gather- tiyaad- saeththidu
*103. gift- gidaag- kodaiyaaka- as a gift; kodai- gift; kodai kodunkka- to give a gift; kodunkka- to give.
*104.foot of the bed- taay- adi
*105. forest- kiidaaykaahli -kaattukkullae- inside the forest- kaadu- forest; ullae- inside.
107.foot- sta- adi
108. foot measurement- sta kiigad- adi kanakkeedu; adi- foot; kanakkidu- measure.
109.dirt- skul -ahukku; letters are in reversed order; kalmasam.
*110.flat fish- tata- thattai meen; thattai- flat; meen- fish.
110. fine /good - la- nalla
*111. feed- taada- uoottidu feed- giida- pukattu
*113.socket- kul- kuzhi
114.excess- kawad- mukuthi
*115.enjoy- gulaa- kali
*116. eat- gataa- kadi
*117. talk loudly – ta kaaguda- kaththi kathaikka; kaththu- shout; kathaikka- speak.
*118.diarrhea- skaluu- kazhiya
*119. rag- saali- seelai
*120. go- kaayd- yaekidu
121. depleted used up - giihl- kaali
122. deer- kaad- kada maan / sambar; kada mpai/ elk
*123.dancing- agadaal- kooththaaduthal
124.cut off- jatla- thundiththal
125.cry easily - sgaagut- kaththu /cry
* basket- kaaduu- meen koodai; meen- fish; koodai- basket.
* cook- kuugaa- aakkuka
128. coat/ jacket- kuuudaats – kuttai /cloth
*129. to clap – kahdga- kai thattuka; kai- hand; thattuka- to clap.
*130.clay- kaal- koozhai; kali munn.
* chop- sgitad- kohutuhutu
132.celebrate- sangaada- kondaada
133. to break by sitting on it- gutad- kunthi udaiththidu- kunthu- sit; udai- break.
134. leader- kul- kizhaan; oaanlkal
*135.berry- gann- kani
136.harbour- gadalayaay – kadal thurai; kadal- sea; thurai- harbour /ford.
*137.away from- adiid- etta’s arm- xyaay – kai
*139.anus- gud kaahlii- kutha kuzhi; kutham- rectum; kuzhi- hole.
140.advice- kildala’aa- kalanthiduthal- to discuss / to take advice give birth- kay- eenuka
* 142.acquire /to own- daeehil- adaithal; eettuthal; thaeduthal; udamai aathal. sell- waadaa- viththtidu
144. that- waa- avai / those; evai- these.
145. agree- laada- yaeththiduthal; letters are in reversed order.
146. hole- xiilaay- kuzhi
147. people of a particular clan- xaataay- kudi; koottam.
*148.language- kihl- kilavi; ka= va; va= ka.
149. mother- awwa- awwai/ grandmother
150. short -cheen – sinna/ small
151. your- daa- unnuthu
*152.bad/ evil- daganga – theenkku
*153. rain- dal- thuli
* sway/ unsteady - dlaaju- thalaaduthal grown up / to become an adult - dla kida- aal aakiduthal; letters are jumbled; aal- person; aakidu- to become.
*156. same/ equal- dluu- oththulla
* post- gaats- kudi kattai- kudi- house; kattai- post/wood
*157.wild man- gagiid- kaattaan; kaadu- forest.
*158. eat- gataa- kadi
* 159.young / ananimal’s offspring- giitii- kutti
*160.deep pool/ hole in the bottom of the river-gil - kulam- pool; kuzhi- hole.
161.there- gu- ankku; inkku- here.
162.tobacco- gul- pukai ilai; pukai- smoke; ilai- leaf -
*163.fullof fun/ enjoyable- gulgaa- kaelikkai
164.dear- gunna- kannae; kann- eye.
*165. to wear/ hat - gutas- kattu /wear
*166. gold- guul- koozh
167.toward- gwii- noakki
168.where- gyaa- enkkae
* give- gyaa is dal- koduththal
170. to stand up- gyaa’a- nikka
171. to be scarce- gaayta- kidaikkathu / can not get
172. stormy - gat uwaa-kodunkaththu; kadumai- severe; kaaththu- wind.
*173. business- git- kadamai
174.buttocks- gud- kundi
*175. stone axe- hl gatluu- kal koadalai; kal- stone; kodaali- axe.
* call- hlgaya- azhaikka
177. to walk - isdal - adi eduththal
178.arrive- istla- adaithal
* tatoo- kid- pachchai kuththu ; pachchai- green.
180.tattooed- kidaa- pachchai kuththiyathu
* fart- kusad- kusu vida; ka= va; va =ka; kusu- gas.
* ask- kilgyaa’a- kaeluka
183. to push with a stick- ki kiidaaal- kattaiyaal idiththal; kattai- stick; idi- push.
*184.-to throw- ki kaata- kidaasu make a cursing hand gesture- kuuda- kai -yaei aatti aatti / neetti thittu; ka- hand; aattu -shake; thittu- scold. go across- katas- kadanthidu / pass
187.roast- katuu- vathukku; ka= va; va= ka; letters are jumbled.
188. dancing apron- kitl agga- koothaadalukkaana ankki; kooththaaduthal- dancing; ankki- dress.
189. to be itchy - kuts iiga- kadiya kadikka
*189.itchy - kuts iigasdla- kadiyaa kadiththal
190.death- kutaal- kazhithal; letters are jumbled.
191.jacket- kuudatts- maekkattu defecate- kwaa dang – kakka poaeidunkka; kakka- shit; poaka- to pass.
* show off- kuyang- kaanikka
*193.leg- kyaal- kaal
*194.dedicate- kuyang- kaanikkai
195. smoke- gaayuu- pukai
196. to cut- kada- kaathu; vettu; k=va; va= ka.
197.shirt- kii-ankki /dress dream- kanga- kanavu kaana-; kanavu- dream; kaana- watch /see be hot- kawsda- kothiththida
200.tree branch- kidd hlkaay- kattai kilai; kattai- tree/wood; kilai- branch; hlkaay- = kilai; letters are jumbled.
201.tree trunk - kidd hluu- kattai kazhi
*202.bowl- kihlaa- kalam
203. to watch over- kiitsad- kann kaaniththidu get up- kaahluu- ezhuka; letters are reversed order.
*205.empty container; kaal- kaali kalam; kaali- empty; kalam- vessel.
*206.sleep- keda- kida
*207.hip- kahlul- ukkal / pelvis
208.suspicious- kala- iyam kolla;iyam- suspicion; kola- to have
* kal- kaazh be kind- kan ggwdanga- kanivu kaattudunkka; kanivu- kindness; kaattu-show. go to sleep- kasdla- kidaththal
* be hard- kats – kettiya; kadinama
*213. to get old /age - kayeehl- kizham
*214.carve- kid- koththu
*215.carving- kidgaay- koththuka
216. to cut off- kitla- kaathuthal
*217.starvation- kudaal- kaaithal; kudal kaaithal; kudal- gut; kaaithal- hot /hunger
218.hungry- kud- kaainthida
219.steal- kuhlda- kalavaaduthal; ka- va; va= ka; letters are jumbled.
220.knee- kuluu kaj - kaal kanu- knee; kal- leg; kanu- knee. cough repeatedly - kusaang – kakkunkka / to cough
*222.corpse- kudd- kattai - deadbody /wood / body
223. to scold- saw- isdla- yaesuthal
224.mountain- sheep – moadu aadu; moadu- mountain; aadu= goat
225.bad tempered/ violent – sgatsa- kodiya; ketta kunam; ketta- bad; kunam- nature.
226. bubbles- sguluu- kumili;mokkul
227. a crowd- skuulayaay – kuzhu
*228. to mark- skadgaa – koadu iduka / underline; koadu- line.
229. to learn- skata- kaththukka
* point at - stlajuu- suttuthal
231. to own possessions- ta daaa- udamai adaiya; udamai- possessions; adaiya- to have.
232.death- tiiyaaay- madiya /die
*233. to kill- tlada- thallidu fasten - ts atas- mudichchu idu
235.stick- tsuu- thadi
*236.down south- taagwaa- thekaakaa; thekku- south.
*237.child- gidaa; kuttan / little male child; kutti- little female child; kutti- young.
* sew- tlli- theiththal
* taa- thuei
240. to run - gad- oaaduka; letters are in reversed order.
241.guda- light fire - thee iduka; letters are in reversed order; thee-fire; idu- make.
*242.go- kaa- yaeku